The presence of dandruff not only makes the scalp itch, but can also interfere with appearance. Various natural ways to eliminate dandruff can be an option, so that dandruff can disappear immediately and no longer interfere with appearance.
In addition to using anti-dandruff shampoo, there are several natural ingredients from the surroundings, which are believed to be used to treat scalp and are believed to be able to eliminate dandruff.
Natural Ingredients to Get Rid of Dandruff
Some ingredients that are often used to eliminate dandruff include:Coconut oil
With its ability to properly hydrate the skin, coconut oil can be used as a natural way to keep the scalp moist, so it is believed to eliminate dandruff. How to use it quite easily, apply coconut oil to the scalp and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Perform routine for 8 weeks to get optimal results.
Baking soda
The natural way to get rid of dandruff using baking soda is fairly easy. You only need to apply baking soda to the wet hair evenly, then leave it for 1-2 minutes before shampooing. Baking soda can help get rid of dandruff because it has anti-fungal properties. Dandruff and itching problems that appear may be resolved if you do this treatment routinely for several weeks.
Aloe vera
The content of fatty acids found on aloe vera is anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory, so it can overcome the inflammation of the scalp that causes itching and the appearance of dandruff. To use aloe vera as a dandruff remover, you can apply aloe vera gel directly to the scalp and leave it for 1 hour. Do it regularly to get maximum results.
Apple vinegar
Despite the need for further research, apple vinegar is believed to be able to overcome the problem of dandruff, because the acid content is able to lift dead skin cells on the head which is the cause of dandruff. In addition, apple vinegar is considered able to balance the scalp pH, so as to reduce and inhibit the growth of fungi that cause dandruff.
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